Library and North Carolina Cooperative Extension Office

Bertie County’s new Library and North Carolina Cooperative Extension Office is a 16,000-square-foot facility that features a library, community room, cooperative extension offices, teaching kitchen, and a shared gallery and gathering space.

This project, funded by a Golden LEAF Grant, serves as a new anchor for the Town of Windsor. The library and extension office is situated on higher ground to move services and businesses out of the flood plain due to hurricane damage.

This project centers around the Bertie County community and the other communities the library and cooperative extension serve. Special focus was placed on the needs and nuances to best serve the diverse populations that will use the building and bring them together. From 120-person, banquet-style dinner events to the library’s story time and the cooperative extension’s Cooking Camp, this facility will fit many roles within Bertie County.


Media Mentions

Bertie County
Windsor, NC
Government & Municipality
Construction Administration
Interior Design
New Construction